India Aims To Increase Area Under Palm Oil Cultivation To 6.5 Lakh Hectares: PM Modi

Sangareddy: Appreciating Telangana’s massive plans on oil-palm cultivation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the Centre will certainly extend support to Telangana in enhancing the oil palm cultivation in the State.

He said the union government was aiming to improve the area under palm oil cultivation in India by 6.5 lakh hectares in the coming few years as part of the Atma Nirman Bharat resolutions. He said all support will be extended to the oil palm farmers in the country with various initiatives.

Speaking at the launch of the 50th anniversary celebrations of ICRISAT, Modi said that the Centre was also going to develop the post-harvesting infrastructure in a big way in the coming days. He said an agriculture infrastructure fund of Rs 1 lakh crore will be available in the budget for this purpose.

“We wish to create an alert and potent market force out of small farmers by organising them into thousands of FPOs (farmer producers organisations)”, he said.

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